There have, so far, been five posts exploring the theme of "the prolongation of life" in Gurdjieff's writings and talks, and which perhaps hardly scratch the surface of this large and important topic. Apart from the first, the other four posts form a sequence, one leading to the other. Here is the list and a short summary of each, to ease orientation and reference.
This post touches on the death of Orage, and Gurdjieff's principle of regulating his health through intentional suffering.
The question is posed: How can intentional suffering restore health?
(This question is later responded to in a number of further articles on intentional suffering.)
The Prolongation of Life - Sacrificing Suffering
Link to Members' Article with references
Sacrificing mechanical suffering.
Relaxing and preventing negative states.
Wrong suffering and imagination.
Developing attention and prolonging life.
Link to Members' Article with references
"Man is given a definite number of experiences—economizing them, he prolongs his life." (Views) What does this mean?
Perception of impressions and the construction of the receiving apparatuses.
Experiences and the possibility of receiving new impressions.
Experience and proof - playing with words: proving dough as an analogy for enlarging the moment in our consciousness.
Entering the unknown of the new impression and the increase of self-awareness - the fire of simply staying there.
Remorse and repairing the past.
The past is contained in my brain and body.
To repair the past by repairing associations through remorse is preparation for the functioning of associations in the future.
The moment can hold one’s whole life.
Experience seems to be about the combined process of the receiving, fixing and replaying of impressions.
Laying oneself open to experience.
The curse of the “Imaginary I.”
The ordering of the fixing of new impressions.
The furnishing of centres.
Saving time by depth of experience.
Slavery to events or being here now.
A very valuable listing. Thank you very much!